My ideal classroom,
and the classroom I will strive to create, is one where technology is used to
stimulate thoughtful conversations each day. I want the technology to create an
environment where everyone may share their thoughts simultaneously about a
topic, and I can quickly and easily assess student understanding. I also plan
to use the technology to provide individualized learning to extend the
knowledge of some students and provide additional reteaching for others. Having
technology devices readily available will allow me to change individual student
activities as needed each day to meet each student’s learning needs. The
technology will also be used to provide easier access to recent articles,
websites for research, and publishing tools. Additionally, the technology will
enhance group work and create the opportunity to develop meaningful station
activities that meet eighth grade standards.
As a High Tech Teacher, I plan to bring new ideas to
fruition in the classroom and share my processes, successes, advice, and activity
ideas with other teachers. While I hope that students still increase their knowledge
through the pages of books, I realize that the tools technology devices provide
can and will extend this knowledge even further and I intend to use these
devices to do just that in my classroom.